Friday, September 12, 2014's Midweek Mojo Series- Pansy

Did you know that hosts a weekly sketch challenge?  I'm pretty sure I've mentioned it once or twice before, but I'm going to do it again. ;)  The challenge starts every Wednesday and ends the following Monday.  It's lots of fun and gives you a bit of a push in a creative direction for your scrapbook pages.  There is a series of 10 weekly sketches that you do in each set.  I was able to do a layout based on all 10 of the Pansy series sketches and here they are (click on each title to go to the actual sketch):

This is only the second time I've completed all 10 sketches in a series.  I usually get a few in each series done, but rarely all 10. And for that, I say WOHOOO!  :)

Thanks for stopping by and happy scrapping!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Graduation Day! Layout with Bella BLVD and Kiwi Lane

Hello!  It's my turn on the Kiwi Lane blog today with a two page layout I made using Bella Blvd's fabulous "Family Forever" paper collection.

Here's what my layout looked like when I framed my pages:

And here's my finished layout:

You'll notice that I did end up switching around some of my templates and adding in a few more between the time I framed my layout and when I got my finished product.  And that's ok!  It's all part of the process and one of the benefits of using Kiwi Lane's templates!

Ok, lets talk about this paper!  I'm a paper snob.  I'll admit it.  I rarely buy paper sight unseen (and weight untouched) because I like to know exactly what it feels like before I use it.  And if it's too thin or has a funky texture, I won't use it.  Plain and simple.  I hadn't used much from Bella Blvd in the last few years, and I always kind of hold my breath when I try a new-to-me manufacturer.  I was not disappointed in this paper!  It's a great weight- not too thin, not too thick- and is nice and smooth.  Why is texture so important to me?  I tend to do my journaling right on my pages and it's soooo difficult to write on paper that is super lumpy bumpy or has grooves in it.

So on to the paper collection... what can I say? Have you seen it's cuteness?!  I'm in love with the patterns, and I love how well they work together!  This collection has a bunch of colors and patterns going on, but so did my photos.  I thought they might clash, but I was pleasantly surprised by how it worked out!  I love how the colors of the photos are echoed in the "Family Forever" collection.  It's seriously a new favorite!

Rings 1, 2, 3, 4
Clara Lane 1A &1B, 3A & 3B
Scallops 2A & 2B
Mini Photos
12" Strips

Thanks for stopping by and Happy Scrapping!